Thursday, June 30, 2011

Spike Lee And Chevy Are Committed to Honoring Dr. King's Dream

This commerical, which was created by Spike DDB, Chevy's African American ad agency, illustrates Americans from all walks of life taking their seats at an endless table weaving its way through beaches, schools, streets and restaurants to Washington, D.C.  

As many of you probably know, on August 28 the Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial in Washington, D.C. will be unveiled. It will be the first memorial on the National Mall to honor someone other than a U.S. President. The dedication will mark the 48th anniversary of King’s “I Have a Dream” speech.  Film director Spike Lee's advertising agency, Spike DDB, is working hand-in-hand with Chevrolet to help commemorate this historic event. Ironically, both Lee and Dr. King are alums of Morehouse College, the Atlanta-based all-male historically black college.

Also to help commemorate the event, Chevrolet is sponsoring the “Table of Brotherhood Project,” a four-city tour honoring the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. The tour is scheduled to make stops in Atlanta, Memphis, Chicago and Washington, D.C.

Tour stops will feature a table designed by Scott Tucker of Raunjiba furniture, where people of all backgrounds and opinions are invited to participate in culturally and socially relevant conversations around King’s vision. The discussions will be moderated by news journalist and commentator Roland Martin.

To learn more about the tour dates and to find out details on how you can win a trip to D.C. to be apart of this historic event on August 28, click here.

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